Why You Need an Ad Agency
And how your ad agency should help you save money

Radio, Television, Digital Platforms, Social Media, Flyers, Yellow Pages, Newspaper.
The sheer amount of media choices available to businesses today is mind-numbing. What really works? How do you decide the best direction for your company?
The short answer is, it varies for every business….even direct competitors. Every business has individual strategies and unique obstacles. Direct competitors rarely have identical goals. Branding, Market Presence, Closing Ratios all come into play. Budgeting, personnel, corporate culture and a host of other variables all affect companies in different ways.
That’s where Smart Choice Media can help.
- We’ll size up your particular business situation and compare all available options.
- We’ll discuss differences between Branding, Marketing and Advertising, and how to help you do each – or all of them.
- We’ll whittle down and count the number of real prospects reached per dollar invested, and show you how to compare ANY medium using ‘Apples to Apples.’ Then you’ll be able to make an informed decision about where your business is – and the direction you’d like to drive it.
The bottom line remains reaching the greatest number of prospects cost-effectively; maximizing Return On Investment and getting RESULTS.